Can the DEEBOT T9 travel over door thresholds in the home?

Bijgewerkt op 2021/04/02
1. Without the OZMO Pro Reservoir installed, DEEBOT can normally cross thresholds up to 20 mm high and reach most areas in the home. If the TrueDetect 3D Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System detects that the threshold is above 20 mm, DEEBOT will slow down to avoid the obstacle.
2. With the OZMO Pro Reservoir installed, DEEBOT can normally cross thresholds approximately 8–15 mm high (the height of obstacles DEEBOT can get over depends on how much mopping water it is carrying). If the TrueDetect 3D Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System detects that the threshold is higher than these parameters, DEEBOT will slow down to avoid the obstacle.
3. We recommend using DEEBOT T9 on dry floors for optimum cleaning performance.
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