How Do Mapping Robot Vacuums Navigate?


When we talk about revolutionary home cleaning devices, we will surely think of robot vacuums, arguably the most popular smart home device on the market. How does a robot vacuum know where to go and navigate through the obstacles? These intelligent devices combine advanced sensors, mapping algorithms, and artificial intelligence that can detect and map your house strategically. Unlike their traditional counterparts, which move randomly or follow preset patterns, robot vacuums with mapping capabilities take a systematic approach to efficiently clean the space without missing spots.

The concept behind mapping is to create a digital map of the environment they are cleaning. Using sensors such as cameras, lasers or infrared, they can scan the surroundings and detect walls, furniture, as well as other objects in real-time. They then process this data and generate a map that outlines the layout of the space. This map will serve as a reference for the robot vacuum to plan its cleaning path efficiently.

Vacuum Robot with Mapping: The Main Types of Mapping Technology

deebot robot vacuum navigating back to docking station

Robotic vacuums utilize various mapping technologies to navigate homes, including the four main types discussed in this section.

  • Camera-based Mapping

The first technology is camera-based mapping, which uses a digital camera to capture images of landmarks in the house. While this mapping technique is effective, it is not suitable for dark rooms unless there is an added source of light.

  • Lidar-based Mapping

The second technology, Lidar-based mapping, uses a spinning laser to detect obstacles and map the room's size systematically. Compared to other mapping technologies, lidar technology is the most accurate.

  • Gyroscope or Accelerometer Mapping

Gyroscope or accelerometer mapping is another type of technology that calculates the distance and direction of objects in the house. However, this technology is less precise and less efficient at navigation than lidar and camera-based technologies.

  • Integrated Mapping

Finally, some robotic vacuums combine two or three mapping technologies, along with sensors and algorithms, to maximize their efficiency.

For example, the TrueMapping feature adopted by ECOVACS DEEBOT is an integrated comprehensive mapping technology that combines Lidar with an advanced DToF laser sensor, making the powerful RVC LIDAR technology available.

To be more specific, DEEBOT vacuum robot with mapping uses advanced technology inspired by aerospace engineering to map your entire space, even down to the individual pieces of furniture. Unlike robots that rely on gyroscope mapping and clean in a random pattern, DEEBOT uses TrueMapping to create an efficient cleaning path that covers every inch of your floors. This innovative system combines Lidar with a state-of-the-art DToF laser sensor that is also used in self-driving cars. With TrueMapping, newer DEEBOT models generate highly accurate 3D maps of your home, enabling them to navigate efficiently without any missed spots or congestion. The result is a thorough cleaning that saves time and energy. Discover the benefits of DEEBOT's TrueMapping technology for yourself and simplify your cleaning routine.

How Does DEEBOT Robot Vacuum Cleaner Know which Map to Use? 

robot vacuum creat 3D maps

DEEBOT is unique in that it generates an interactive map that provides you with more control. Some hybrid models, such as DEEBOT X1 OMNI, even offer 3D maps. After mapping your house, you can control and monitor the cleaning process using the app.

And yes, as you may have already imagined, DEEBOT cleaning robots enables you to store several maps at the same time. Normally, the number is four. You can tell the DEEBOT which map to use via ECOVACS HOME app. It also allows you to see the real-time cleaning progress or adjust the settings to focus on specific areas that require more attention, for example, the entryway during the rainy season when there's mud and dirt tracked in, the bathroom after a hair styling session and the area around the litter box if you have cats.

Sensors Help With Cleaning Robot Navigation

As cleaning robots navigate through your home, these cleaners rely on a range of sensors to detect their surroundings and adjust their course accordingly.

  • Cliff Sensors

Cliff sensors use infrared light to detect the absence of an object, preventing the vacuum from taking a tumble down the stairs.

  • Obstacle Sensors

Placed on the bumpers of the vacuum, obstacle sensors help it navigate around furniture and other obstacles in the home.

  • Wall Sensors

Wall sensors ensure the robot cleans effectively along walls, without causing damage.

  • Wheel Sensors

Wheel sensors are used to track distance and movement, although these are typically only found on low-end models.

With these technologies, robot vacuums have become a must-have for any modern home. However, there still have some secrets behind the outstanding navigation ability of our DEEBOT. Let's dive deeper!

How Does a DEEBOT Vacuum Robot with Room Recognition Navigate Your Home?

The DEEBOT vacuum robot with room recognition navigates your home by utilizing its advanced mapping capabilities and AI technology. The robot first creates a detailed map of your home using its built-in TrueMapping feature. Specifically, DEEBOT uses the DToF laser sensor, which amplifies the laser signal to enhance the range and stability of laser scanning. As a result, the robot can detect small objects as small as 2mm and clean effectively during the night. The technology provides twice the range and four times the accuracy compared to other robots, ensuring that even small debris like popcorn kernels and crushed chips are cleaned up, even in the dark.

Some newer models of DEEBOT vacuums use QuickMapping feature to navigate your home and create a map within minutes without cleaning. In case a map is accidentally deleted, there is no need to worry because Auto-recovery quickly reloads the last saved maps.

white robot vacuum works on the floor

The map is interactive, which means you can make adjustments via our app. After your home is mapped, the app becomes the central hub for managing your cleaning preferences and scheduling at your convenience. You can then create custom cleaning plans using the accompanying app. You can specify which areas of your home you want the robot to clean and when. For example, you can set the robot to clean only the living room every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:00 pm, or the kitchen and dining area after a big meal.

Whatever your cleaning schedule is, the TrueMapping technology enables our DEEBOT vacuum robot with mapping to clean each designated area accurately.


In conclusion, ECOVACS DEEBOT's TrueMapping feature has revolutionized vacuum robot with mapping by providing accurate and efficient cleaning with improved convenience and safety. The advanced mapping technology, combined with powerful sensors and algorithms, makes DEEBOT an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and efficient cleaning experience. By choosing a mapping robot vacuum cleaner like DEEBOT, users can enjoy a more efficient and effortless cleaning experience while reducing the risk of accidents or damage. Just explore the offerings from ECOVACS and see how our robot vacuums can make cleaning easier and more enjoyable!


Are mapping robot vacuums better?

Yes, the mapping technology, such as the TrueMapping 2.0 and AIVI 3D technologyemployed in ECOVACS DEEBOT, help robot vacuums to navigate more efficiently and accurately, avoid obstacles in real time and plan the most efficient cleaning path with no missing spots. Since it is laser based, it doesn’t require a bright environment to work. The robot vacuum can function equally well in dark conditions. With an advanced mapping system, robot vacuum comes with customizing features like virtual boundaries for a smarter and tailored cleaning experience.

Do all robot vacuums have mapping?

No, not all robot vacuums have mapping capabilities. Basic or entry-level models typically rely on random or pattern-based navigation, while mapping technology is found in more advanced and higher-end robot vacuums.

How long does it take for a robot vacuum to map your house?

The time it takes for a robot vacuum to map your house can vary depending on the size of the area, the layout, and the mapping capabilities of the robot vacuum. Generally speaking, it takes anywhere from a few cleaning sessions to several hours to complete the initial mapping process.

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