How to use the base station?

Updated on 2023/02/17
What do the buttons on the station control panel mean?
1. Add water to cleaning sink/Drain the water out of cleaning sink: tap this button to add water to the cleaning sink or tap again to drain the water out of the cleaning sink.
2. Start/Pause DEEBOT: tap this button to let DEEBOT start or stop cleaning; hold this button for 3-5 seconds can end all tasks.
3. Recall/Exit DEEBOT: Tap this button can recall DEEBOT to the station or direct DEEBOT to exit from the station.

You can check the station information in the ECOVACS HOME App. There are should be some prompts if the clean water level is low or the waster water tank is full.
You can also use the YIKO voice assistant to ask DEEBOT to do some cleaning tasks. Please check more voice commands in the App.
Notes: Washing mopping pads command and the air drying command can only work when DEEBOT is in the station and charging.
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