How Often Should I Run My Robot Vacuum?


We all want a clean house. Fortunately, the invention of the robot vacuum helps a lot in maintaining a clean house. We can customize the routines of your robot vacuum based on our household's needs and preferences. However, you may also feel confused as I once have: how often should I run my robot vacuum?


In this blog, we will explore this issue together. Continue reading to learn more about how frequently you should use your robot vacuum in light of these conditions!


How Often Should I Run My Robot Vacuum?


Most owners believe that running their robot vacuums four times per week is sufficient to keep the floors dust-free. However, if you have children or pets, you should use your robot vacuum more frequently. Daily vacuuming is recommended if you suffer from seasonal allergies. A workaholic who prefers to spend most of his time at the office can use the robot vacuum less frequently.


As you can see, your lifestyle will considerably impact how frequently you operate your robot vacuum. Here we have sorted out some special conditions and provided tips on how you should schedule the operation of your robot vacuum:


1. With Shedding Pets


Pets that shed will undoubtedly be the most important factor in selecting how frequently you vacuum. A robot vacuum has the advantage of being set to run seven days a week, focusing on high-traffic areas. You can then keep pet hair and dander under control by vacuuming regularly in hard-to-reach areas such as stairs, mudrooms, and entryways.


2. With Children


Anyone living with children or young adults might pay special attention to high-traffic areas such as the kitchen and major living areas. For these areas, vacuum every day. Vacuum moderately used areas 2-4 times per week. Mopping and cleaning of non-carpeted areas, as well as vacuuming, should be done at least once a week.


3. Other Environmental Concerns


If you live in a place with higher levels of pollution, you may want to run your robot vacuum more frequently. For instance, when construction is happening nearby, you'd better let your robot vacuum work at least twice a week. If you live in the suburbs, where the air is cleaner, you only need a once-a-week cleaning.


4. Consider Your Family Member's Health


If you or any family member suffers from respiratory diseases like asthma, you should maintain the house clean at all times. Running the robot vacuum on a daily basis will prevent bacteria and allergens from flying around the house, lowering the risk of allergies.


Robot Vacuum and Mop Maintenance Tips


After understanding the frequency of running your robot vacuum, it's important to keep your robot vacuum running properly. Here we have also prepared several tips that may help.


1. Set a Schedule for Your Robot Vacuum


Most newer robot vacuums provide scheduling features, allowing you to choose which days of the week and what time you want them to clean. That way, you can schedule your vacuum for a time when you know you'll be away from the house, and your floors will always be spotless when you get home while the robot doesn't bother you.


schedule your vacuum 


Except for scheduling the time, you should also plan the area you need to clean in advance. Proudly, DEEBOT generates an interactive map over which you have complete control. After mapping your home, your smartphone becomes command headquarters for clean floors on your terms. In real-time, see how much has been cleaned. Or, on a wet day, utilize custom settings to target locations that require particular attention, such as the kitchen after the kids "helped" make cookies, or near the pet entrance.


2. Clear Cords and Curtains


The robot vacuum's main brush may become entangled in cords and lengthy curtains, causing it to stop dead in its tracks. To avoid these instances, clear your floors of phone chargers and other cables, and tie up any long drapes before sending your robot to clean.


Consider flipping your chairs upside down on your table, like restaurants do, to make it easier for your robot vacuum to catch crumbs under your dining room and/or kitchen table.


3. Do a Test Run


A test run is necessary. Ensure that your robot vacuum is properly programmed and troubleshoot any issues throughout this time span. A test run, like any new process, will offer you confidence that the vacuum will perform its job the first time!


ECOVACS Vacuum Robot Australia


In fact, we have confidence that you can enjoy a hands-free cleaning experience with our DEEBOT. We offer plenty of products that you will find it easy to select your ideal vacuum robot.

For example, DEEBOT X1 OMNI delivers an outstanding cleaning experience with the industry-leading all-in-one OMNI station. The OMNI station can clean itself with a single tap, avoiding frequent disassembling and washing.

Armed with Dual Side Brushes, a Floating Main Brush, 5000Pa Suction Power and the OZMO Turbo 2.0 Rotating Mopping System, DEEBOT X1 OMNI provides integrated sweep, suction, and strong mop for a deep and efficient clean, removing stubborn stains effortlessly.

DEEBOT T9 PLUS is another popular robot vacuum. It knows every corner of your house thanks to enhanced TrueDetect 3D 2.0 and obstacle avoidance technology. It recognizes things in real time with high precise resolution to avoid obstacles and guarantee no collisions, entanglements, or disturbances.


enhanced truedetect 3D 2.0 and obstacle avoidance technology

Final Thoughts

How often should I run my robot vacuum? By now, we hope you have found the answer. In general, the frequency with which you should schedule your robot vacuum to clean your home is determined by how dirty it becomes and your personal needs. Meanwhile, it would help if you took good care of the robot vacuum and mop to let it run smoothly. Read our blogs to learn more tips for robot vacuum usage and maintenance. With ECOVACS, you can live a smart and simple life!