How To Set Up Your Robot Vacuum?
How To Set Up Your Robot Vacuum?
You've bought a robot vacuum and are ready to start your hands-free household cleaning experience. However, first-time owners of automatic vacuums unfamiliar with these devices may be confused about how to assemble them, especially since the appliance also needs to be connected to Wi-Fi, an app, and possibly integrated with a smart home network. Find out how to prepare your smart vacuum, regardless of the model and manufacturer of your appliance. This guide will walk you through the various s
Are Robot Vacuums Good At Cleaning Sand?
Many of us know the hassle of finding sand everywhere after a day at the beach or at a children's playground with sandpits. This sneaky intruder buries deep into carpet fibres, scatters across hardwood floors with every footstep, and settles into the tile crevices, making it seem impossible to remove all the sand from your home. It’s time to bring out the robot vacuum, you think. But here's the twist: not all automatic vacuums are equipped to handle the challenge of sand. What you
How To Choose Robot Vacuums With Docking Station?
Tidying up your space with a smart vacuum liberates your hands, and pairing it with a docking station elevates this cleaning experience to new heights. Models without a docking station face significant drawbacks, such as unreliable charging, often not ready when needed, and the inconvenience of frequently misplacing the robot since it lacks a designated home base. An auto-docking station addresses these challenges by serving as a multifunctional charging hub, and ECOVACS takes it a step further
How To Dispose And Recycle Your Robot Vacuum Cleaner?
Advancements in technology help save time and increase efficiency by making a manual task automated. One example is using a robot vacuum cleaner to take care of routine household cleaning, a practice that is becoming more popular worldwide. According to Statista, the domestic service robotics market in Australia – which includes smart vacuum cleaners – is poised to grow to US$123.70 million (AUD 186.75.85 million) in 2024. However, once electronic devices like robot vacuum cleaners no longer
Robot Vacuum Vs Cordless Stick Vacuum : Which One To Buy This Year?
With new technologies emerging every year, ''efficiency'' has become a hot keyword, which extends to the home cleaning market as well. The Statista Research Department forecasts that the robotic vacuum cleaner market will grow from USD 1.84 billion (≈ AUD 2.78 billion) in 2018 to USD 4.98 billion (≈ AUD 7.53 billion) by 2025, nearly tripling in value. This surge highlights a move towards smart, automated cleaning solutions. At the heart of this trend are two main options: the robot vacuum, whi
 T20 OMNI or X2 OMNI: Which Robot Vacuum Should You Choose?
In the era of home automation, there are plenty of choices to enhance your home cleaning routine. When it comes to smart robot vacuum cleaners ECOVACS' DEEBOT T20 OMNI and DEEBOT X2 OMNI, are among the top-rated options for users. But which robot vacuum is the ideal fit for your home? Discover the main differences between DEEBOT T20 OMNI and the ECOVACS DEEBOT X2 OMNI. Which one offers the best cleaning performances : T20 OMNI and X2 OMNI? Let's begin by discussing the cleaning capabilitie